Provincial Philanthropies
In addition to our P.E.O. International Projects, AB-Sk Provincial Chapter has three of our own philanthropies.
For more information visit peoab-sk.ca
Alberta-Saskatchewan Cottey College Fund
Funds are available to assist potential students from Alberta or Saskatchewan with travel to Cottey College to visit the campus and to assist with tuition for students who are accepted to study at Cottey College.
This fund is maintained by the AB - SK Provincial Executive Board.
For more information about Cottey College visit cottey.edu
For more information about this fund,
visit peoab-sk.ca

Florence E. Taylor Charitable Scholarship Fund
A registered Canadian charity, this fund was started by Florence Taylor, a member of Chapter C, AB. First and second year female post-secondary students may apply.
Donations by Canadian residents are eligible for tax receipts.
The Foundation is a separate entity from P.E.O., but because of Florence’s ties with our sisterhood, the board usually includes a member from Chapter C and other P.E.O.s.
Alberta-Saskatchewan chapters have a special place in their hearts for Florence E. Taylor. Florence bequeathed her estate to the P.E.O. sisterhood to establish the Florence E. Taylor provincial scholarship to help women in financial need.
To learn all about Florence E. Taylor and this fund,
visit peoab-sk.ca
Evelyn Henry was a dedicated member of the P.E.O. Sisterhood and a Charter member of Chapter T, Sherwood Park.
The Evelyn Henry Reconciliation Scholarship was established by Chapter T, Sherwood Park under the guidelines of the P.E.O. Foundation, in memory of our dear sister who passed away suddenly in 2017.
Evelyn's mother was Cree and her father was Métis.
She was extremely proud of her Indigenous heritage.
We are honored to cherish our sister's memory through the 'Evelyn Henry Reconciliation Scholarship'.
The EHRS annual scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to a female student who is enrolled in a post-secondary institution, which includes courses in Indigenous studies and a plan to use her education to further develop reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of Canada.
All applicants must be sponsored by an AB/SK P.E.O. Chapter.
To donate to the EHRS fund, click here:
Find the APPLICATION FORM including eligibility criteria HERE:
Additional information for AB/SK P.E.O. CHAPTERS is available HERE: